
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Susie Homemaker

Okay. I never cook. Ever. And even if I attempt to make something, I end up forgetting an ingredient, or burning something. It always turns out baaad baaaad.

But all that changed today!
I made a meal! It turned out delicious! I'm jumping for joy! No, really. I am.

Tom always cooks our meals and I always feel extremely guilty about it. I decided that I needed to try (for the millionth time) to make dinner.

I found this recipe online and went with it. It turned out delicious!! I had never had Quinoa before and since I don't eat meat, it is supposed to be a staple in vegetarian diets. I will definitely be making it more often and am looking forward to using it different ways.

Quinoa Stuffed Peppers

You can find the recipe on Vegetarian Times.

Hooray for cooking! Hooray for non-burned food! Hooray for Quinoa!

Okay..I'm off to cut Tom's hair.
Until next time.


  1. My love and I LOVE quinoa! Have you tried the pastas?

  2. I have never heard of this!! Fill me in!

    I love pasta so I would more than likely love it!


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